Prince Rupert Fire Fighters

IAFF Local 559

Unofficial Web Site


Local 559 was first established in 1938.  The Union today has 17 members and serves the community of approximately 13,850 in Prince Rupert B.C.  Local 559 has contributed to a rich labour history and its Fire Fighters have been a colourful part of it.

Local 559 is a affiliate of the International Association of Fire Fighters which in total has a membership of over 250,000 plus members.  Within the international Association of Fire Fighters, Prince Rupert is part of the sixth District. The 6th district encompasses British Columbia, Alberta, Northwest Territories, The Yukon and Saskatchewan.

The 2010-2011 Executive

President Calvin Thompson, V/P James Daniele, Secretary Remo Pomponio, Treasurer Real Jones, and Sergeant Arms/Shop Steward Rod Gowe.

Regular Union meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Prince Rupert Fire Department. For the latest Local issues & stories check out Flashpoint 559 (Here)


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  IAFF Local 559


All 2010 Grads

Prince Rupert Fire Fighters

Working For A Better & Fire Safe Community